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L.OS – Logistics Operating System

Warehouse Data Entry and Analysis using ERP

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) refers to a large software which manages the day-to-day activities for any organization including Accounting, Sourcing, Supply chain operations, Human resource management and Manufacturing. ERP is a software that helps plan, budget, manage, control and report on an organization’s performance. Today, ERP systems are being used across the world by thousands of companies of all sizes and types, ERP is as now almost as indispensable as the electricity.
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Fundamentals of ERP:

ERP system is designed with the single common database with various data structure sitting on top of it. This ensures that the information across the organizations is common to all users. The business process-driven workflows across all departments from Finance, Marketing, Accounting, HR, Production connect the people who are using them. Simply said, ERP is a tool to integrate processes and people across the organization using a set of process flows utilizing a common database.

The Business Value of ERP:

ERP delivers numerous business benefits including:
• Better business insights using reports based on real-time information
• Reduction in operational costs through efficient business processes and deployment of best 
• Sharing of data and widespread collaboration among user across functions. 
• Consistent infrastructure and the look and feel of all the business activities being done. 
• Data integrity and financial controls ensure reduced risk for the organization. 
• Ability to meet the dynamic requirements of the customers.
• To help the decision-makers in achieving set business targets.
• To integrate all the business functions like Sales & Distribution, Materials Management,    Finance and Controlling on one common system
• To optimize supply chain operations in terms of delivery, quality, and cost.
• To prepare for expansion and growth plans in the coming year


ERP allows to capture and store all information and create one version of truth across the organization. All the processes in the warehouse from Inbound, Inventory management to outbound can be mapped in ERP system. All transactions occurring at the warehouse can be captured through ERP system. There are multiple reports available in ERP system which can be used to manage the day to day operations of the warehouse.

Introduction to ERP system

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) refers to a large software which manages the day to day activities for any organization including Accounting, Sourcing, Supply chain operations, Human resource management and Manufacturing. 

Utilizing ERP for Warehousing

The two important processes which affect Warehousing are Procure to Pay and Dock to Dispatch processes. The first processes is generally used on the Raw Material side to procure 
material from the vendors which arrive at the warehouse. The second process is used for Finished Goods from Manufacturing till delivery to the final customer.

Operating ERP at the Warehouse

Warehouse is a place of storage of goods. Goods are received at the warehouse, stored and finally dispatched. The fundamental three processes in the warehouse are Receipt, Storage and Dispatch Process.

Physical verification using ERP

Warehouse Manager on the date of Counting will freeze the Book Inventory of Materials identified in the Physical Verification Document. ERP recommends blocking the Material to get the accuracy in system quantities with the physically available Quantity.