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L.OS – Logistics Operating System


An AI-Powered intelligent driver & fleet safety platform
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drivebuddyAI  is a hardware device having two cameras and can be installed on windscreen of any vehicle for providing real time driving safety & surveillance. The product is designed by keeping drivers at the core and to deliver driving safety, real-time driving assistance, driver behavior monitoring to avoid near-miss chances to major road mishaps.


An Overview of Key Features

Real-Time driving safety alerts & assistance

Drowsiness, Distraction, Collision Warning, Camera obstruction, Overspeeding , Journey Risk Management  Alerts

Driver & Fleet Management Dashboard

Drowsiness, Distraction, Collision Warning, Camera obstruction, Overspeeding , Journey Risk Management  Alerts

Driver Evaluation & Score

CARDS (Cognitive Assessment of Risk for Drivers) is a patented scoring mechanism for evaluating driver and their behaviour with assistance provided in the vehicles provides precise insights about specific areas of coaching required for the drivers of the fleet

Driver Coaching & Control room monitoring

Personalized coaching to drivers on the basis of events, Control Room setup for pro-active monitoring