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L.OS – Logistics Operating System

Vahan and Sarathi

Vahan and Sarathi - Solution to help verify the driver and vehicle before allocating any task
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Vahan: This tool helps to conduct a digital inspection of the vehicle being used just by using the vehicle number. Vehicle information such as registration, insurance, fitness, taxation, etc. is available. Vahan helps in faster vehicle verification by security and also avoids penalties and delays by ensuring all vehicle details are compliant.

Sarathi: assists in conducting a digital inspection of the hired driver using only the driver's license number and date of birth. The driver's details, such as the photograph, the license expiration date, the current status, etc., are available. Sarathi helps in faster driver verification through security and penalties; delays are avoided by ensuring all driver details are compliant.


The Ultimate Real-Time Transportation Visibility Platform

Complete compliance and verification of the vehicle and the diver before allocating tasks.

Current information to avoid penalties for violating any government compliance rule, such as an expired license, lack of insurance, and so on.

Avoid losing a sale if the vehicle is found to be in violation of government regulations, such as no taxation and no fitness rating.

Avoid paperwork, along with the elimination of the cross-verification requirement of the driver and vehicle information since it will be from the government API.