This offer is only addressed to commercial customers. All prices are exclusive of value added tax (VAT).

L.OS – Logistics Operating System

Illegal Content Reporting Form

If you have encountered content that you believe is illegal, please use this form to report it.

1. Explanation of Illegal Content*
2. Location of Illegal Content*
3. Your Contact Information

Please enter your name and e-mail address or the name and e-mail address of the organization for which you are making the report:

Note: You may choose not to provide this information if you wish to report criminal offenses in connection with sexual abuse, sexual exploitation or child pornography or contacting children for sexual purposes. The same applies if you wish to report such incitement, aiding and abetting or attempted acts. In cases of copyright infringement, only the copyright holder or their authorized representative can submit a report.

4. Accuracy Confirmation Statement*

Please read and confirm the following statement:

Please note, that we process data in accordance with our Data Protection Notice.