L.OS – Logistics Operating System

FleetDrive 360

Compliance Made Easy-In the Palm of Your Hands
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FleetDrive 360 offers a comprehensive, cloud-based solution to manage your FMCSA and DOT compliance. Using your laptop or phone, you can access and maintain your driver qualification files, drug and alcohol consortium, Clearinghouse queries, vehicle maintenance documents, accident records, and more. As you grow your business, you can utilize our tool to hire new drivers, create driver qualification files, and manage your drug and alcohol consortium. Building your business is hard – compliance doesn’t have to be.


FleetDrive 360 - Compliance Made Easy-In the Palm of Your Hands

The Dashboard

Dashboard provides immediate visibility of entire fleet compliance status at a glance.

Alerts & Notifications

Receive email and text alerts BEFORE issues arise.

Onboarding & Hiring

Hire and onboard drivers in 50-70% less time.

Drug & Alcohol

All inclusive Drug and Alcohol program and consortium. Testing results average 72 hours.

How FleetDrive360 helped Bar and Shield pass their New Entrant Safety Audit
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We are always here to answer them. Some frequent ones being...

Our compliance software optimizes the way you manage your fleet through cloud storage of documents, driver hiring/driver files, drug & alcohol testing,, document expiration notifications, vehicle/vehicle maintenance, and accident records. Everything you need to keep compliant!

The dashboard offers immediate visibility of your entire fleet's compliance status at a glance, making it easier to monitor compliance metrics and address issues promptly.

FleetDrive 360 streamlines the onboarding and hiring process for new drivers, allowing you to hire and onboard drivers in 50-70% less time compared to traditional methods, reducing administrative burdens.